About Renewed Hope Ministries
Our Mission
Worship, Reach, Teach, and Send
We want to equip and empower each and every vision partner to live a full and purposeful life, which our God intended, and the world is waiting for.
About Us
Renewed Hope Ministries is an Apostolic, Prophetic and Charismatic Christian Congregation. We celebrate the Biblical Feasts and enjoy Davidic Worship.
A Place of Renewed Hope
The determination of this body of believers at Renewed Hope Ministries is to be a ministry led by the Holy Spirit. To triumph over sin by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and the Word of our testimonies. To amplify the understanding of the written Word of God, so followers of Christ in Vision Partnership and under the direction of the Holy Spirit experience God revitalizing individuals and relationships injured by sin, transforming each believer into a mature disciple of Jesus Christ, released into Davidic Worship and fully equipped by the Five Fold Ministry of Gifts (Amos 9:11 , Acts 15:16 , and Ephesians 4:11-13).